The Captain and the Best Man – out today!

The cover of The Captain and the Best Man

Out now! In ebook, paperback and Kindle Unlimited.

When Josh meets handsome airline pilot Captain Guy Collingwood on a sun-kissed island, he finds out what flying first class really means!

When Josh leaves the rainy shores of England for the sun-drenched tropical island of St Sebastian, his biggest worry is remembering his best man’s speech. But a chance meeting with dashing airline pilot Captain Guy Collingwood leads to a hot and raunchy holiday romance.

Guy’s everything Josh is looking for in his ideal man. Mature, dashing and confident, he’s also single and more than happy to show Josh the pleasure of St Sebastian. Yet Guy’s unruffled demeanor hides a past regret. Is the wedding of Josh’s best friend about to reopen a painful chapter that has never fully closed?

As a fearsome tropical storm threatens the island paradise and a broken family threatens Josh and Guy’s happiness, the stakes have never been higher. Can St Sebastian work its magic to heal past wounds and will Josh and Guy’s holiday fling take flight?


The farthest Josh had ever traveled before was Magaluf. He glanced at his boarding pass again as he headed to the departure lounge, still not quite believing what it said.

Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe.

Nine hours on a plane.

At least I can have a nap.

Josh trundled his cabin bag through Duty Free and left with aftershave and sunglasses that he wasn’t sure he needed. Then he found a café, the perfect place to camp out with a book and kill time before the flight. Half-asleep, Josh clambered over other people’s luggage to join the queue.

Nine hours in steerage.

The cafe’s prices seemed only slightly more reasonable than the eye-watering first-class ticket that Josh couldn’t afford, but he could treat himself at least. An array of elaborate, decadent pastries filled the glass-fronted cabinet, tempting any travelers who were about to submit to airline food, and Josh was happy to surrender to their charms. It was a nice way to start the holiday, after all.

Where are all these people going? he wondered idly as he waited to be served. Screaming babies, excited gaggles of students with packs on their backs, stressed-looking business types and children zooming around making plane noises, all of them ready to escape the autumn drizzle.

Josh ordered a latte, then selected a cinnamon bun from the pastries on offer. It was the last one, a complicated twist of pastry zigzagged with icing and dark with cinnamon. He’d never seen a bun like it.

“If that’s really the last bun, you’d better hope you’re not on my flight,” a plummy voice announced from behind Josh. “Or I’ll make it a bumpy landing.”

“It’s the last one,” the young woman who was serving Josh said with a comical pout, a red flush creeping over her throat. “Sorry, Cap!”


When Josh turned to face the man behind him, his fringe swished into his eyes. He brushed it away with the back of his hand as he looked up.

Bloody hell.

There behind him in the queue was a pilot clad in the sort of immaculate uniform he could only have dreamed of—every button shiny, every seam straight, his hat at a perfect angle on his head. But Josh barely noticed because his gaze was drawn to the pilot’s handsome, chiseled face.

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Queuing in the Alley and (Not) Smoking in the Cinema

Join us at the pictures as we enjoy some no-budget adverts, hide from the glare of the usherette’s torch and grab a tub at the interval. And by the way, the power cut is not part of the film.

Find out what’s crawling out of the inkwell this week, and who’s putting the fizz in our gin. Only on Gin and Gentleman!

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A Princess, A Captain & A Corgi

In this bonus episode, we’re introducing you to the delights of Princess in Love. This forgotten gem is a made-for-TV movie from the 1990s about Diana, Princess of Wales and Captain James Hewitt. Discover just how dashing Christopher Villiers looks in uniform, marvel at the world’s biggest corgi and gasp at Diana’s loathing of mauve blouses. Plus there’s a theatrical in the inkwell and find out who’s putting the fizz in our gin. Only on Gin and Gentlemen!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

Watch and enjoy Princess in Love on Amazon.

Pride and Prejudice and Mr Wickham at 60

We’re talking Pride and Prejudice this week with a behind the scenes look at Being Mr Wickham, Catherine’s brand new theatre show in which Adrian Lukis returns to his celebrated role as Jane Austen’s most rakish rogue. Plus naked Darcy, scandalous queens and Mr Bennet throws some shade. With thrilling Captivating Captains news hot off the press. Only in Gin & Gentlemen!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!