Queuing in the Alley and (Not) Smoking in the Cinema

Join us at the pictures as we enjoy some no-budget adverts, hide from the glare of the usherette’s torch and grab a tub at the interval. And by the way, the power cut is not part of the film.

Find out what’s crawling out of the inkwell this week, and who’s putting the fizz in our gin. Only on Gin and Gentleman!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

A Princess, A Captain & A Corgi

In this bonus episode, we’re introducing you to the delights of Princess in Love. This forgotten gem is a made-for-TV movie from the 1990s about Diana, Princess of Wales and Captain James Hewitt. Discover just how dashing Christopher Villiers looks in uniform, marvel at the world’s biggest corgi and gasp at Diana’s loathing of mauve blouses. Plus there’s a theatrical in the inkwell and find out who’s putting the fizz in our gin. Only on Gin and Gentlemen!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

Watch and enjoy Princess in Love on Amazon.

Pride and Prejudice and Mr Wickham at 60

We’re talking Pride and Prejudice this week with a behind the scenes look at Being Mr Wickham, Catherine’s brand new theatre show in which Adrian Lukis returns to his celebrated role as Jane Austen’s most rakish rogue. Plus naked Darcy, scandalous queens and Mr Bennet throws some shade. With thrilling Captivating Captains news hot off the press. Only in Gin & Gentlemen!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

Fruit Juice at Berni’s with the Little Chef

Grab your complimentary lollipop and join us on a wander down a culinary memory lane as we reminisce about the fruit juice starter and big steaks at the Berni Inn, burgers with a knife and fork at the Wimpy Bar, and being denied access to the Happy Eater swings. Discover what happened to PizzaLand, and how to make bubbles with a handdrier. Find out what’s coming out of the inkwell, and who’s putting the fizz in our gin this week. Only on Gin & Gentlemen.

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

An Actor’s Guide to Romance

We’re taking a trip to the theatre this week in Gin & Gentlemen, to look at the inspiration behind our short story, An Actor’s Guide to Romance. We’ll relive our favourite theatrical memories and discuss the magic of Chekhov and the challenges of a very long Oedipus. Plus who’s putting the fizz in our gin and what’s climbing out of the inkwell, only in Gin & Gentlemen.

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

Lost Valley of the Boardgames

From Ghost Castle to Hotel, via Cluedo, Ludo and pig-themed confusion, get your dice and chose your counter, because we’re taking out some classic board games. We’ll bowl you over with Test Match, get you in a tizz with Twister and try to find the Scalextric car that got lost behind the sofa. It’s game night for Gin & Gentlemen!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcherTuneInCastboxOvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

Delivering Papers with Arthur Morgan

In the latest, slightly delayed episode of Gin & Gentlemen, we’re living our Tron fantasy. From the Spectrum’s mighty 48k to the Atari ST via classics including Paperboy, Red Dead Redemption and a curious Tetris-led assault on the Top 40, join us for a (very) personal history of gaming…. with added Japanese Boy! And find out which of our novels we’d turn into games if we could. Plus we’ll open the inkwell and get our gin fizzed, only in Gin & Gentlemen.

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts (Android only), StitcherTuneIn, Castbox, OvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

Films We Haven’t Seen

This week in Gin & Gentlemen, we’re counting down the films we haven’t seen that everybody says we should! From Citizen Kane to The Matrix, Sunset Boulevard to Titanic, join Catherine and Eleanor and their special guest, Rick (aka Mr Curzon) as they attempt to plug the gaps in their knowledge of the silver screen. Plus, who’s putting the fizz in our gin and what’s emerging from the Curzon/Harkstead inkwell, only on Gin & Gentlemen!

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts (Android only), StitcherTuneIn, Castbox, OvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!

The Ghost Garden

Join Catherine and Eleanor for the inside scoop on their new novel, The Ghost Garden. Find out what didn’t make the cut, how plans for a contemporary ghost story turned into a paranormal romance set in 1925 and get a few clues about the spooky mystery at the heart of the story. Plus, who’s putting the fizz in our gin and what horrors are climbing out of the inkwell, all in the latest episode of Gin and Gentlemen!

And don’t worry… there are no spoilers.

You can listen to us on Anchor.fmiTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts (Android only), StitcherTuneIn, Castbox, OvercastBreakerRadioPublic and Pocket Casts. Other platforms are available!