Interview: Angela Addams

Say hello to author Angela Addams who’s visiting the blog today. Her latest novel, Wicked Disclosure, is out now.

How long have you been writing? Can you tell us a bit about your journey to publication?

Oh, I’ve been writing since I was a kid. I have “novels” that I wrote when I was six or seven, complete with pictures. They weren’t very good. But for some reason I was committed to writing stories and I’ve been lucky enough to have quite a few of them published. I started writing for publication when I was on maternity leave with my daughter about thirteen years ago. I spent at least eight months writing an urban fantasy, paranormal romance mashup that ended up getting me my first agent. It never got published but it was the start of my publishing journey. I ended up selling my first few books to a small micro press which was my gateway to other publishers. It’s taken a whole lot of perseverance and thick skin over the years. There’s so much rejection to tackle when you’re trying to get published for the first time and it doesn’t stop after that. You have to be okay with the let downs that happen and not let those things keep you down. I’m passionate about telling stories and I wouldn’t be able to stop writing even if I wanted to, trust me, I’ve tried over the years.

What genres do you write in, and what do you enjoy about them?

I write in a few different genres. Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance, Contemporary Erotic Romance and YA Thrillers and Fantasy/Magic Realism. I try to be versatile because that gives me more opportunity to explore my strengths as a writer. It helps me learn new things with each project and it keeps me from getting bored. I enjoy writing, period. Creating new worlds, developing interesting characters, getting the voice just right in a project, it’s all stuff I enjoy doing. I do not enjoy outlining, at all, but I do it because it helps hugely to know what my plot beats are before I start. I’ve learned over the years that if I don’t outline, I’ll get stuck midway through Act 2 and that’s never a good thing.

Are you planning on spring-cleaning your bottom drawer? Any manuscripts or ideas you plan to dust down and revisit?

I have a number of YA thrillers that need a romance subplot, so I’ll be returning to those eventually. Right now I’m working on new projects for one of my pubs and edits for another so I’m pretty busy as it is.

Can you tell us – or hint at – what you’re working on at the moment?

At the moment I’m plotting a novella for a Christmas anthology. It’s looking like it’s going to be a reverse harem experience which is new to me, and will be set in the world of my latest release, Wicked Disclosure, Wicked Distractions series. Things are definitely going to get HOT!

Do you have writing habits – such as always getting up early to write, or writing in the evening? Or do you write when the mood takes you? Are you a plotter or a “pantser”?

Since I work at a day job full time, I have to organize my writing time around that. Every night I write or do writing related work from seven to at least nine. I also get to the day job an hour early so that I can squeeze in some writing time there. If I’m on a deadline, I will also write during lunch. I can’t afford waiting for inspiration to strike. I find that the more I’m writing, the more creativity flows and that leads to more writing and more creativity. I rarely take time off, not even on Christmas day or my birthday!

Where do you write? Have you got a little nook at home, or do you write wherever you happen to be on a laptop or on your phone?

I write wherever, whenever. I have a laptop so I have the freedom to go anywhere. I don’t need quiet necessarily; white noise is fine. I can’t listen to music and write though, that’s too distracting. I have a loft that my husband built me fifteen years ago that I’m just using now (long story) because I’m working from home thanks to this virus.  I’ve been doing a lot of writing up there lately. Usually though I’m sitting in bed or in the living room in my “writing” chair. I always take a notebook with me wherever I go just in case I have time to write. It sounds like I’m obsessed with writing, which I guess I am!

Wicked Disclosure

Book one in the Wicked Distractions series

Pushing his boundaries was always her plan. What she didn’t expect was how much she’d love it when he pushed back.

Trent Brooks is young, hungry and on his way to the top as a newly appointed Lead Communications Officer at Morgan and Miller, a conglomerate of family brands. After the death of the company’s CFO, Trent is dispatched to navigate a delicate situation involving the deceased executive and an escort agency known as Kitty Calls.

Sabine Cowan is the take-no-prisoners owner of Kitty Calls, who has no use for men other than for her business and her personal pleasure. When Trent presents her with the confidentiality agreement, she dismisses it. But instead of dismissing him, she decides he may be just the type of fun she’s been hungry for.

When compromising photos of Sabine and Trent together are leaked to the media, both of their worlds explode, just in very different ways. Sabine is used to being painted as a sexual deviant. Trent, not so much. With his reputation and his career hanging in the balance, he’s determined to figure out who’s behind the leak.

Screwing Sabine Cowan is every man’s wet dream, including Trent’s. Falling in love with her, however, is not what he bargained for. Exploring the depth of their passion in whatever way she wants could destroy him completely, but his quest for the truth may be something worth dying for.

About the author

Angela Addams is an author of many naughty things. She believes that the written word is an amazing tool for crafting the most erotic of scenarios and likes telling stories about normal people getting down and dirty and falling in love. Enthralled by the paranormal at an early age, Angela also spends a lot of her time thinking up new story ideas that involve supernatural creatures in everyday situations.

She is an avid tattoo collector, a total book hoarder, and loves anything covered in chocolate…except for bugs.

She lives in Ontario, Canada in an old, creaky house, with her husband, children and four moody cats.

Where can you find Angela?

Sign up to her newsletter, check out her blog, and follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Find Wicked Disclosure at:

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